Hogswatch Gift 2007

LBE Description
To the top right is the title "THE HOGSWATCH GIFT LBE 2007" with snow covering above a drawing showing a man and a women in the foreground near a picket fence. The man is holding a case the women is holding what appears to be LBEs. In the background is another women standing at the opened front door looking at the couple with the text "Lydia gave George a whole bundle of LBEs for Hogswatch, whilst her mother looked on in horror, as she thought they were for her!"
In the bottom left is the name and address of the Cunning Artificer in ornate frame with side bars of Est. and 1991.

The perfect gift for your Flatalist friends at Hogswatch. Contained the occasional sport or variant. Also some of the Owlswick forgeries ’accidentally’ slipped into the mix.
As a special gift, each LBE contained an Unmitigated Saying of Shou-Lan Fatsee, a hermit who lived on the foothills of the South Somerset Mountains.

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SHS Ref:
Hogswatch Gift 2007
26 November 2007

Keywords: Owlswick Forgery


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett