Aunt Helga

LBE Description
Top right is the name and address of the Cunning Artificer in ornate frame with side bars of Est. and 1991.
To the left is a drawing of a man in a suit and tie standing on one leg while a large wolf has its muzzle in the mans groin.
The wording states "Normally Sigmund had no problem in meeting the family, but Aunt Helga was sometimes just a little too direct."

The final LBE of the werewolf series. Contained the new 25p Cabbage Field and 2p Two Shirts stamp. One in five contained the final transition of the 1 Bizlot blue.

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SHS Ref:
Aunt Helga
21 October 2007

Keywords: Sigmund; Werewolf


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett