The Light of the Moon

LBE Description
To the left the text "The Discworld Emporium" in Gothic script above the address. To the right is a sitting wolf, facing right, head raised howling against a circle representing the moon. At the bottom is the wording "DO NOT OPEN THIS LBE IN THE LIGHT OF THE MOON"

The first of the werewolf series. Each LBE contained at least two of the new Year of the Reversed Ptarmigan Ankh-Morpork definitives.
Contained the second transition of the Bonk 1 Bizlot blue.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium:
SHS Ref:
The Light of the Moon
14 April 2007

Keywords: Wolf; Children of the Night; Werewolf


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett