The Compleat

LBE Description
Panoramic View Ankh-Morpork in Burnt Siennas and Olive Greens above the badges of The City Watch, Unseen University, Seamstresses Guild, Merchants’ Guild, Assassins’ Guild mad Thieves’ Guild with the wording "CELEBRATING THE LAUNCH OF THE COMPLEAT ANKH-MORPORK 08.11.12"

Contained the Civic Dollar stamp and a Find the Location - Spot the Sport cards.

Images and Documents
Find the Location - Spot the Sport! Cards  The 25 locations. Use the grid code (A1 to E5) when referencing the locations.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium:
SHS Ref:
The Compleat
8 November 2012

Keywords: Compleat Ankh-Morpork; Civic Dollar;


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett