Irish Convention

LBE Description
At the top is the title "An Autumnal LBE" and below is the text "Containing a harvest of stamps but no pumpkins." above a drawing of pumpkins in situ and a cane basket of apples. At the bottom is the text "Issued by the Discworld Emporium. October 2009"
Overprinted with a special IDC frank.

To mark this First Irish Convention Bernard has produced a commemorative postal label. This will be available in the Irish Convention LBE. The Irish Discworld Convention LBE will be available from Friday 6th November to Friday 13th. It will run concurrently with the Autumnal LBE and in fact the only difference will be the inclusion of a special commemorative stamp and an over-print on the LBE.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium:
SHS Ref:
Irish Convention
6 January 2009

Keywords: Autumnal


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