Jolly Football

LBE Description
To the left is a drawing by Paul Kidby of the Cunning Artificer looking outwards with pipe and smiling wearing a striped top with belt and braces in circular frame. Above and to the right is the title "THE CUNNING ARTIFICER’S JOLLY FOOTBALL LBE" and below the words "To mark the ’Kick Off’ of UNSEEN ACADEMICALS." and "The book we have all been in training for"

'The Jolly Football LBE’ included one of the new football cards, the usual sports and, in addition, will be the first to include the new Wildcard prize ticket (about 1 in 25 LBEs).
If you are lucky enough to find a Wildcard in an LBE it entitles you to collect a sport of your choice from the LBE in which it was found, a wonderful way to patch the holes in your collection. Simply contact the shop at your leisure. (This excludes any Blue Triangle Stamps) The LBE was available from Friday the 9th of October to Friday the 16th and ran alongside the Off The Wall LBE.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium:
SHS Ref:
Jolly Football
9 October 2009

Keywords: Unseen Academicals


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett