$5 blue half cabbage green.

LBE Description
In top left hand corner the name and address of the Emporium in an ornate frame together with the text "A place where the Discworld Flatalist can feel at home & enjoy the delights of stamps with those of a similar persuasion. Free beverages to Society members."
Below is the image of the Green Cabbage Trading stamp and the text "Join the GREEN CABBAGE STAMPERS for fun & profit
This label is worth ½ a Green Cabbage Stamp."
On the right is a cartoon where a chap in a full fitting swimming suit with a lady similarly dressed is holding his hand out to a man in a suit and hat, the caption is "look at that old chap, a $5 blue washed up on the strand, lucky or what!"

Three distinct envelopes were used during the availability of the LBE. The standard medium brown, a lighter brown and one with the added words ’New Guardian medium weight’ under the sticky flap.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium:
SHS Ref:
$5 blue half cabbage green.
1 August 2005

Keywords: Trading Stamp


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett