Matt Hampson Trust Fund

LBE Description
A photo of Matt in an oval frame above the wording "This LBE has been produced to help raise funds for this brave young rugby player, who despite being quadriplegic after an accident while representing his country remains an inspiration to the fans of Rugby, not least of his club Leicester Tigers, and young players alike. TAT FOR MATT 2006". To the right is an Ankh-Morpork 10p Lilac franked.

The reason for the LBE issue was as follows
"Matt Hampson is a young Tigers prop forward who suffered a serious neck injury whilst at England U-21 training in March 2005. Matt returned home in early August, after spending 17 months recovering from his injuries at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He is currently paralysed from the neck down and is still unable to breath unaided.
Despite the nature of his injuries, Matt continues to show great courage in the face of adversity. He is constantly looking to raise the profile of other paralysis victims and is determined to become heavily involved in publicising research into spinal injuries.
A large amount of fundraising has taken place both inside and outside the rugby community since Matt’s tragic injury - something for which Matt and his family have expressed their heart-felt gratitude and even surprise. However, if Matt is to continue to make progress, he will need our support for many years to come.
It is estimated that Matt will need approximately £8 million to get through his life. His medical insurance only covered the cost of treatment, as is the norm for young sportsmen, but due to Matt’s condition, he needs 24 hour care and specially converted everyday equipment.
Matt has openly stated that any spare money from his fund will be used to fund stem cell research, and other treatments for spinal injuries. Matt is also giving back to the community, making public appearances, and even doing some rugby coaching at Oakham School!"
The Raffle
This raffle gives you a ridiculously high chance of winning a prize. Some are very collectable, some are fun, and some are a redistribution of stuff. 131 of the prizes are with me, with the rest on the way. There’s stampy stuff, other Disc-y stuff, and lots of really cool items.
Tickets are on sale until the end of December 1st. I will arrange for someone well known and impartial to draw it. I’m trying to get Harry Ellis to come round and do it. Failing that, I’ll get the parents to do it. They know some of the players so it’s nearly the same.
Tickets were £2 each, or £2.20 by Paypal.

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SHS Ref:
Matt Hampson Trust Fund
11 November 2006

Keywords: Special


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett