Thieves’ Guild Four Pence
Stamp Description
Blue Greys on Light Blue Bag of Money split issuing Coins on a Barry Field in Oval Frame with Heading THE WORSHIPFUL THIEVES GUILD and twin Keyholes above FOUR Duplicated A Scroll ACVTVS ID VERBERAT Base Superior Chief POSTAGE Black on Light Blue Bordered by Canton Patrician Profile Black Sinister on V on Mid Blue Field and Cancun Sinister Patrician Head Dexter on R on Mid Blue Field Base Ankh-Morpork Arms Black bordered by 4p Dexter White on Mid Blue and p4 Sinister White on Mid Blue.
Notes: Issued in the Year of the Pensive Hare [ Album Page ]
The Motto ACVTVS ID VERBERAT can be translated as ’Whip it quick’
Issue Year: Pensive Hare Type: Thieves' Guild
CGTS Rate: was: 8