2009 - Hare

$1 Explorer - Llamedos Jones

Stamp Description
Grey Greens on Parchment Field Llamedos Jones in Hat, Palm Tree Dexter with Motto WITH A SONG AND A SICKLE Banner POST OFFICE Inferior 1$ in Oval Frame Base Sinister Chief Curved Banner with ANKH-MORPORK Base Banner with CELEBRATING OUR GREAT EXPLORERS LLAMEDOS JONES ENDEAVOURING TO PERSEVERE ONE DOLLAR

Notes:   Issued in the Year of the Pensive Hare   [ Album Page ]
Llamedos Jones, an explorer from Llamedos. He was hampered in his voyages of discovery by the fact he wasn’t really looking for new lands to conquer: his main priority was evangelising his sect of Strict Observance Druidism to the heathen, ie everyone who wasn’t already a Strict Observance Druid.
So he would set off in a small leather and wicker coracle, equipped with nothing more than a holy sickle, a sack of mistletoe, a small portable stone circle of the laptop variety, and a harmonium for the hymn singing.
Unfortunately, he could travel for no further than three and a half days in any direction before being compelled to return to Llamedos for the necessarily strict druidic observances and male voice choir practice once a week.
He was finally given dispensation by the circle elders to miss services and is believed to have discovered the Brown Islands by the very practical technique of continuing in a straight line until he hit something.

Galleries:       Issue Year: Pensive Hare           Type: Minor guilds and Leagues

CGTS Rate: was:      7

Images and Documents:
Design pencil sketch by Ian Mitchell

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:SHS-AM0184-Aw
Name:$1 Explorer - Llamedos Jones
Released:4 September 2009  Announcment
Size (mm):34 wide by 45 high
Price:50 pence
Perf:Wincanton 10/2cm
Availability:Unlimited Availability
Sheets:Yes Quick View
Sheet Page:she0184
Themes: Characters, Geography, Males,
Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium
SHS Ref:SHS-AM0184-Bw
Name:$1 Explorer - Llamedos Jones Tilt
Type:Sport  Differences
Differences:Colour variation and the R in Dollar is tilted
Released:4 September 2009
Size (mm):34 wide by 45 high
Perf:Wincanton 10/2cm
Availability:LBE only
Themes: Characters, Geography, Males,

Keywords: One Dollar Ian Mitchell Llamedos Explorer Llamedos Jones; Explorer; Llamedos Jones $1


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett