$1 Explorer - Sir Roderick Purdeigh

Sheet Description
Portrait Orientation Grey Line Frame Stamps Grey Framed Bottom ’ANKH-MORPORK POST OFFICE’ above ’GREAT EXPLORERS’ and ’Postage Stamps to the value of $1’ Italic ’SIR RODERICK PURDEIGH’ and ’Printed by Teemer & Spools’ Italic Framed Bordered by Map of Discworld and T and S Intertwined.

Notes:       Issued in the Year of the Pensive Hare   [ Album Page ]

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium
Name:$1 Explorer - Sir Roderick Purdeigh
SHS Ref: SHE-0186-A
Released:4 September 2009
Size (mm):155 wide by 216 high
Layout:4 rows by 4 columns
Price £:8.00
Availability:Unlimited Availability
Stamp Page:shs0186
Stamps: shs0186a  

Keywords: One Dollar Ian Mitchell Explorer Sir Roderick Purdeigh


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett