Bloodaxe and Hammer Four Pence

Sheet Description
Brown and light olive green on parchment Floral Corner Artwork Image of Post Office ANKH-MORPORK POST OFFICE ARTWORK PROOF FOR YOUR KIND APPROVAL top Teemer & Spools of Ankh-Morpork arched 4P POST PAID left with image of Bloodaxe and Ironhammer wording BLOODAXE + IRONHAMMER brown Produced in the Year of the Frog Ascendant to celebrate BLOODAXE AND IRON HAMMER the epitome of dwarf culture in Ankh-Morpork Green over images of the two Proof Stamp

Notes:       Issued in the Year of the Frog Ascendant

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium
Name:Bloodaxe and Hammer Four Pence
SHS Ref: SHP-0048a
Released:4 May 2013
Size (mm):140 wide by 172 high
Layout:0 rows by 0 columns
Availability:LBE Prize
Stamp Page:shs0308
Stamps: shs0308a   shs0308b  

Keywords: Dwarf, Bloodaxe, Ironhammer, Crossbow, Armour; Four Pence Proof


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett