Doctor Whiteface 3p

Sheet Description
Square Format White Field Dotted and Double Line Frame Burgundy and Black with Embellished corners

Notes:       Issued in the Year of the Spinning Mouse   [ Album Page ]

Images and Documents
Mystery of the dots - The dots surrounding the sheet are made up of what appears to be random sets of black and burgundy dots. The black dots equate to 0 (zero) and burgundy 1.
If the dots are converted to numbers (eight bit), then converted to a character using the ASCII code the following message appears.
"The Fools gold can be yours! On midsummer’s eve, at midday, dig wher....only joking."
There is a minor error in the encoding of the third to last letter.

Copyright 2010-2025 © Discworld Emporium
Name:Doctor Whiteface 3p
SHS Ref: SHE-0373-A
Released:28 April 2015
Status:Still available
Size (mm):174 wide by 174 high
Layout:4 rows by 5 columns
Price £:6.00
Availability:Unlimited Availability
Stamp Page:shs0373
Stamps: shs0373a   shs0373b  
Sport:r2, c4: shs0373b

Keywords: Doctor Whiteface; Clown Three Pence 3 Fools Guild


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett