
Penny Patrician

Sheet Description
Square Format Black Line Frame Quartered T and S Intertwined Top ’TEEMER & SPOOLS - ANKH-MORPORK’ Left Bottom Ascending and Right Top Descending ’THE YEAR OF THE HAPPY GOOSE’ Bottom ’ANKH-MORPORK - ONE PENNY POSTAGE’

Notes:       Issued in the Year of the Happy Goose   [ Album Page ]

Copyright 2010-2024 © Discworld Emporium
Name:Penny Patrician
SHS Ref: SHE-0199-A
Released:5 February 2010
Size (mm):144 wide by 134 high
Layout:4 rows by 5 columns
Price £:5.00
Availability:Unlimited Availability
Stamp Page:shs0199
Stamps: shs0199a   shs0199b   shs0199c   shs0199d   shs0199e   shs0199f  
Sport:r3, c3: shs0199b

Keywords: Definitive One Penny Patrician


X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett