Sheet Description
Square Format White selvedge Top and Bottom Inverted ’Engraved and Printed by TEEMER & SPOOLS of Ankh-Morpork BP*CE*AB’ Uncial Script Left Ascending and Right Descending ’Produced for the Archchancellor of the Unseen University of Ankh-Morpork First Issued in the Year of the Signifying Frog’ Uncial Script
Notes: Issued in the Year of the Signifying Frog [ Album Page ]
Sheet Description
Unseen University crest with wording Produced by Teemer et Spools for the Unseen University with the full approval of the ANKH-MORPORK POST OFFICE Left NUNC ID VIDES NUNC NE VIDES Ascending Right
Notes: Issued in the Year of the Signifying Frog [ Album Page ]