Stamp Description
Chocolate Brown on a Ochre and Parchment field bearing an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Songbords, whose call Mimicks not our Beloved National Anthem are an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: False Hair of any description is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Ornaments which distract the Eye from the Word of Nuggan are an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Hatboxes of an Unnatural Shape are most Emphatically an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Inhaling the Scent of any Food which is not thine own is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Messages Flying through the Air are an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Not putting the Washing in the Basket, that Nuggan has blessed you with, is definitely an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Wrapping Gifts, obscuring them from Judgement, is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: The use of the Crooked Ampersand when Nuggan has provided us with the Word ’And’ is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Disturbing Medical Anecdotes Disquiet the Mind and are an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Peeling Skin from your Potato Before eating it is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Opera Sullies the Ear and is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Words that sound Rude even if they’re not Are Still an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Culottes are both Confusing and Immoral and are an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Dancing Around a Pole is Sinful and an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: The Foul Lamentation of the Accordion is an Abomination unto Nuggan
Differences: Enablers of the Feline Species are an Abomination unto Nuggan